Saturday 16 November 2013

Closed Trade TCL

I will discuss my method and the ideas around it as this blog develops and I will also post new trades and closed trades as they occur.

This was the first trade under this method - I had spent the prior few months reading all sorts of papers trying to come up with a short term system that I could live with.  There is really nothing special about it except that I finally think I have nailed down a method that suits my personality AND one that my tiny CFD account can carry.  Ultimately only time can prove me correct in this but I remain confident simply because I think the win rate and win/loss ratio are not too optimistic.

Having said that the first trade wasn't exactly a prime example - the set up wasn't quite perfect  but it could just as easily been a big winner - set ups are really just a way of filtering an entry out of a group of possible entries - they aren't the part of trading that makes the money.  I could probably take that group and buy one of them by tossing a coin or throwing a dice and still have roughly the same results - I will discuss this theory in detail later.

Here is the trade in all its lack of glory
Charts courtesy of

So  basically trade number 1 was buying TCL and watching it dither along until my time stop told me to cull it and lose 0.5R.

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