Friday 7 March 2014

Hitcher System 3 : Exit(s)

I use the term exit(s) in the title but obviously I can only sell the stock once.  There are three scenarios that will cause me to get out.

chart courtesy of

Initial and soft stop (Orange Line)
this is the low of the last 25 days - I will calculate my position size from this and it will be my trailing stop but only on paper - if there is a close below this line I will move my hard stop up to the low of the day.

Hard Stop (Red dots)
I never leave a trade in the system without some kind of disaster protection.  When the system is on then the lower of the two stops should do the job.  When the system is off then I will be more defensive and use the higher of the two.

Target (Blue Line)
Occasionally things bubble up and I like to take my money and run when they do.  I know that's not a normal part of the trend followers creed but we all have our quirks - note  that my target will never go up and down like this wiggly line - up is the only acceptable direction.  Also, I will set this at 3R profit at trade inception - that is the minimum I want for a snatch and grab style trade.

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