Tuesday 8 July 2014

Forex : 8th July 2014

I have decided to close the remaining option trade on AUDUSD - these haven't been working as I had hoped and I don't have the time or patience to keep monitoring this one so off it goes for a 0.2 R profit - Whoop-de-doo!

EURGBP is much more fun - Target hit so banking 3R on that one

While on the subject of EUR trades, I will tighten the stop a little on the EURJPY trade to 139.30.  It's sort of heading in the right direction so we'll keep it for the moment.  The EURUSD trade is going OK too but it's too early to be adjusting stops etc

I am not a financial adviser.  These are paper trades.  I am not suggesting you follow these signals.  If you take any action based on my blog you do so at your own risk.

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